smoked Turkey (Truthahn geräuchert)
Reference: 3644-3744
(€24.00 / kg)
delivery period:
- Lead time: Since we slaughter the animals fresh for you, weneed to order at least 8 days in advance.
- Prepayment: attention! The amount must be received on our account no later than 2 days before shipment!
You can order our smoked turkeys in two variants. You can select these via the "drop-down field" variants near the price. You have the choice to get the smoked turkey either whole or already disassembled by us. If you want the turkey disassembled, we disassemble it and vacuum the individual parts for you. In addition, you will also receive assembly instructions. In this we show illustrated how you can arrange the parts again on a plate.
Other information:
- Size/Oven: Turkeys up to 11 kilos should fit in commercial ovens.
- Ordered weight: The ordered weight can vary up to one kilo downwards (animals can rarely be breeded exactly to the desired weight). If we are not able to comply with this leeway, we will also send you a smoked roast roll (so that you can still get enough of all the guests).
- 4 - 5 kilos are enough for about 6 - 8 people.
- 5 - 6 kilos are enough for about 9 - 13 people.
- 6 - 7 kilos are enough for about 14 - 18 people.
- 7 - 8 kilos are enough for about 19 - 22 people.
- 8 - 9 kilos are enough for about 23 - 28 people.
- 9 - 10 kilos are enough for about 30 people.
Our preparation recommendation:
The smoked turkey is already completely cooked. Therefore, this roast can be served directly, for example, for a cold buffet.
Alternatively, the turkey can also be eaten hot. To do this, first heat the water and then place it in a deep baking tray. Place the baking tray on the bottom of the oven. Position the turkey on the grate above it. Then heat the roast at about 90-100 ° C depending on the size for about 2-3 hours in the oven.
Ingredients: turkey whole, rock salt (potassium iodate), maltodextrin, dextrose, spice extract, honey, flavor, smoke, preservative: sodium nitrite, ascorbate
Data sheet
- Allergens:
- GLUTEN-FREE (gluten-free)
WITHOUT celery
WITHOUT milk (lactose-free)
WITHOUT peanuts
WITHOUT sesame
contains sugar - ingredients
- WITHOUT yeast
- Shelf life
- from shipping: 10 days (at 4,0°C)
Geräucherte Pute
Wir bestellen nun schon ein paar Jahre zu Weihnachten die geräucherte Pute und sind immer wieder sehr zufrieden mit ihr.
Geräucherte Pute - eine gelungene Überraschung
Pandemiebedingt mussten wir den 80sten Geburtstag unserer Mutter im kleinen Kreis feiern. Zur Überraschung aller haben wir eine geräucherte Pute für 8-10 Personen bestellt. Der Bausatz ist wirklich gelungen, das Zusammenbauen hat gut geklappt und die Begeisterung der Gäste war gigantisch. Die Pute schmeckte einfach genial und war so reichlich, dass alle Gäste noch eine gute Portion mit nach Hause bekommen haben. Der Kontakt zum Putenhof wurde mehrfach auf Wunsch weitergegeben. Was will man mehr. Von uns 5 Sterne für diese gute Qualität und die punktgenaue Zustellung. Vielen Dank und frohe Weihnachten.
Top Qualität super Geschmack und die Lieferung war auch Top
Smoked delicacy
This was our first year trying the smoked turkey - and it was a hit. We had a bigger than usual crowd, so it was super helpful to have 1 turkey already cooked (and the other in the oven). I would highly recommend the smoked turkey.
GER. Truthahn
Von der Bestellannahme über die Verpackung, den Versand und die Qualität des Truthahns absolut Spitze. Nur empfehlenswert. Unsere Gäste und wir waren begeistert. Vielen Dank. <br /> Rita und Albert Schmid.